Dear Members
It would seem that we need to simplify the Central Green issues
Below are two photographs
- Picture 1 is something like was submitted to the Council as part of the planning application
- Picture 2 is something like the developers want to complete today.
We have been asked to submit our thoughts about planting for this area but as yet we have not been told why we are unable to have a balance pond asper the planning application.
Our research indicates that the original application submitted to the Council was based upon incorrect levels drawn up on the CSA drawings. This should have been realised initially when the area was dug out back in 2016 as there were issues in aligning the inlets and outlets to the area and achieving.
The easiest solution for the developers is to submit a change of use as changing from a balance pond to a detention basin which serves the same purpose but without a permanent level of water just requires different planting which is what we are now being asked to review. The only reason we are being asked to review is that we believe the submission to the Local Planning will state that "after consultation with the residents and the construction difficulties to create a balance pond we would like to change the use from a balance pond to a detention basin using these plants.
The request does not take into account any safety aspects we have requested and having reviewed the situation and taking a poll of residents' feelings we believe we should still push for the pond
Therefore can we please ask that you add your support by voting in the poll with a either a 1 or 2.
Subject Balance Pond Vote Option 1 or Subject Balance Pond Vote Option 2
The closing date is 28th March 2021.